Friday, July 14, 2006

Wanted: Dead or Alive

With the newly launched war between Israel and Hizballah unfolding, I thought it might be a good time to remind my fellow Americans that eight of the 26 individuals on our own FBI's Most-Wanted Terrorist List are affiliated with Hizballah. Before 9/11, they were responsible for more American deaths than al-Qaida. It's time to deal with them.

Hey IDF - Have you seen these men? If so, feel free to take them out.

[H/T to Pajamas Media for the link]


  1. They'll probably be disguised; they're not stupid enough to go around looking the same as in the photos, so spotting them should be expected to be tough, unfortunately.

    Vermin and flies are easier to catch...

  2. I'm kind of hoping some of those dudes might have been in bunker that the IAF turned into a crater last night.

    Even if Nasrallah wasn't there, maybe a few of the others are sampling their 72 raisins right now...
